Ataraxis’ approaches

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a vast topic and having an expert by your side will accelerate the successful achievement of your goal. Ataraxis has developed 3 approaches with different levels of involvement to adjust to your current need.

  1. Mentor approach: To bounce and structure your ideas and to get someone guiding your approach to a solution it is possible to organise regular meetings. During these meetings, you can share your objectives, your progresses and findings and we will challenge and structure them together.
  2. Template approach: In addition to the coach approach, Ataraxis can develop critical documents for you to use and fill in. They will be a guidance to collect the appropriate information (questionnaires, reporting template etc.) or to present the outcome of your work (Newsletter, slides templates etc.).
  3. Hands-on approach: In addition to the mentor and template approach, Ataraxis will participate in the whole process for instance realising benchmarking, preparing case studies, consolidating the findings, defining action plans and presenting the results on your behalf.

To find out about the most suitable for your project and goal contact Ataraxis.